Roxanne Swentzel, a famous Pueblo sculptor drew memories of her childhood growing up in Santa Clara Pueblo. If you are an artist I will include your art, music or other creations into your life story video. Before the written word, humans drew pictographs to tell stories and inform the future about who they were, what they ate, where they lived, what animals lived among them, like horses and like in the picture above, wild turkeys. The Pueblo’s were farmers in the Southwest so they mostly ate what they grew. The only natural fat was found in piƱon nuts. These nuts had to picked one at a time and shelled the same way so needless to say they didn’t eat a lot of fat. Wild Turkeys were their main source of animal protein. If they did kill a deer with a bow and arrow it fed many people for a long time. I’ve been told stories that Navajo’s stole Pueblo women because they knew how and what to farm in the high desert environment but the Navajos who migrated across the ice bridge from Siberia did not know what or when to plant to survive in that environment. Beans, Squash and Corn were their main crops also known as the three sisters. #Heritage stories, #Ancestors, #Storytelling, #Preserving Stories, # Harvesting Stories,