Capturing the uniqueness of each individual’s story is one of Skydancer Production’s specialties. Rather than just a time-line of significant people and events we look deeper for the meaning and the essence of each story. We help our clients discover the theme of their life to pass forward to their descendants.
Life Story Videos are life affirming and living memorials are trending now.
A typical memorial video ( after death) is mostly a time line of events and significant people who came and went from the person’s life.
A Living Memorial gives our clients a chance to affirm their life in their terms – but we can also craft it to feel like a love song to family and friends.
Remembering and the ability to tell our stories is a quintessential act of being human. To know we’ll be remembered does help in letting go. We help our clients feel recognized and remembered by organizing their story into a captivating video presentation.
The physiology of memory continues to engage and baffle scientists as they consider the proven link between our stories and our mental and emotional health. What makes people remember traumatic feelings but have no recall of the details of time – date- place or who else was there? What makes two people who shared the same experience have different memories about it?
Many of our emotional or sensory memories entangle with our sub conscious. This type of memory plays back like a dream or a night mare. These memories are related to grief, love, joy, fear, shame, anger, excitement, or some sort of emotional feeling.
Memories linked to emotional experiences, even among those with memory loss, often come unbidden, sometimes in flashes accompanied by the feeling we had with the event.
As we at Skydancer learn about our client’s lives, we keep an ear open for the part of the story that is indelibly linked to the emotional nature of the person’s story. Sometimes while telling a story, our clients go into a long pause, as the act of recall has swooped them back in time. This back-story is the glue to hold the time-line in place and through all of the elements of story telling, character is revealed.
The very act of telling personal stories, especially when someone is listening, refreshes and enlivens a person to affirm that their life mattered.